A Complex Connection: Our Negative Thoughts and Pelvic Floor Recovery

Embarking on the path to pelvic floor recovery can be a bumpy journey at first. What many fail to understand, is that pelvic floor recovery is a delicate journey that intricately weaves together elements of physical exercise, mindset, and external influences. While the focus is often on the physical aspects, the profound impact of our thoughts and mindset on our pelvic health is frequently overlooked. Negative self-talk, doubts about recovery, and body image concerns can create mental hurdles that can and will slow your progress…Believe me when I say I know; I have been there.

To overcome these challenges, fostering self-awareness becomes paramount. Cultivating a positive mindset involves acknowledging and actively challenging and replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.  These positive changes will support you on your healing experience, and begin to instil greater resilience to cope when things don't always go to plan.

Pelvic floor recovery is synonymous with exercise, yet the motivation behind physical activity is equally crucial. Shifting your mindset from self-punishing workouts driven by body dissatisfaction to embracing exercise as an act of self-love, will transform the experience into a form of self-care. Activities like yoga or pelvic floor-specific exercises, when approached with this mindset will help to contribute to a positive recovery.   Making the journey to healing more sustainable and most importantly more enjoyable. I personally love exercise, and the positive impact it has on our pelvic floor is something that I preach about every day.

Tailoring your exercises to address your pelvic floor health directly, such as targeted Kegel exercises, can produce effective results. However, consulting healthcare professionals or pelvic floor specialists is absolutely essential to ensure you are selecting exercises that are specific to your individual needs and conditions. NOT all pelvic health problems can be helped with Kegel's, in fact for some conditions, Kegel's can be detrimental.  It is our expertise that allows us to understand the intricacies of these exercises and their impact on pelvic health, and with this knowledge, we can help empower individuals to make informed decisions about their recovery journey

'Informed decisions’ is definitely the key phrase here! It's important to incorporate a diverse range of exercises, including those that focus on flexibility and core strength. Function is your primary goal.  Engaging in activities that target various muscle groups not only aids in physical recovery but also promotes a holistic sense of well-being, again another crucial factor in your journey. For instance, practicing mindfulness-based exercises alongside physical activity can enhance the mind-body connection. For example; Listening to mood brightening music when you go out for a walk, which is one of my most favorite activities.  The reason being our body listens to our mind. Therefore the longer you can stay in a positive state, the greater the positive effect on your body, and the increased likeliness you will repeat the activity if you feel upbeat after completing it. 

Fostering a more comprehensive and positive approach to pelvic floor recovery will multiply your gains 10 fold. What's not to love. Have a go, and let me know how you get on.  


Why Yoga is a Great Option for improving Pelvic Health. 

Yoga is Great for your Body and Mind.  But why? It offers a holistic approach to pelvic health, addressing both physical and mental aspects. The practice involves gentle yet effective movements, promoting flexibility and strength in pelvic muscles. Specific yoga poses, such as hip openers and pelvic tilts, target the pelvic region, enhancing circulation and relieving tension. Breath control, a fundamental aspect of yoga, aids in pelvic floor awareness and encourages relaxation; mindfulness techniques incorporated in yoga reduce stress, which can contribute to pelvic health concerns. Chronic stress may lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, and yoga's emphasis on mental well-being helps alleviate this.

In addition the beautiful practice of yoga enhances overall body awareness, promoting better posture and alignment and reducing strain on the pelvic floor, in turn preventing issues like incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. There are so many benefits! The mind-body connection cultivated in yoga encourages a positive relationship with one's body, fostering a sense of control and empowerment over pelvic health. Female empowerment is at the centre of everything I believe and everything I teach.


Exercise Aside, What Else Matters?

Beyond physical activity, our external environment is pivotal in pelvic floor health. Stressors from work, exposure to distressing news, and the constant noise of social media WILL impact mental and physical well-being.  Unless you are a robot, and who knows, even if you are a robot it might still affect you. 

The constant barrage of our external environment can have a massive detrimental impact on our lives. We live in an age where excess negative and pointless information is streamed at us, directly onto our phone. We spend hours of our day mindlessly scrolling without intention, and with little or no understanding of the effect this has on our well being. Unfortunately for all of us chronic stress exacerbates pelvic floor issues, making stress management techniques, mindfulness, and selective exposure vital components of a conducive environment for recovery. 

The key is setting boundaries with work demands, family life and digital consumption; even curating positive social media content, instead of the relentless stream of online negativity, can contribute to a more positive mental state. These practical steps are about minimising stressors and actively creating an environment that nurtures mental well-being. Understanding the sources of stress and taking intentional steps to manage them is a proactive approach to promoting pelvic floor recovery. It is down to us to take control and make the necessary changes.

Holistic wellness practices further complement pelvic floor recovery efforts. Mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and adequate sleep go perfectly hand-in-hand with overall well-being.  These positive practices go some way in mitigating the physiological impact of stress on the body. Incorporating these practices into daily life helps to create a foundation for optimal physical recovery and mental resilience. It is a blissful balance of everything we need to feel focused, calm and, most importantly, in control of our own lives. The complex blend of mind and body behaviours is evident in how external stressors heighten tension in pelvic floor muscles. Recognising and actively managing these stressors is integral to a comprehensive approach to pelvic floor recovery. This is something I teach every single day in my clinic, and within my online community.  


 Let’s do this together, ladies!


It is Time to Focus on You

In summary, pelvic floor recovery is a holistic endeavour encompassing a positive mindset, intentional exercise, and stress management. While the road to recovery is unique for each individual, patience, self-love, and a proactive approach pave the way for positive outcomes and a renewed sense of well-being. This comprehensive approach, addressing both physical and mental aspects, creates a robust foundation for pelvic floor recovery that stands the test of time. I have significant experience of my own and have helped hundreds of others to walk the same path.

Acknowledging the slow and gradual nature of pelvic floor recovery and the inevitability of set backs (yep, they are normal and to be expected) allows individuals to approach their journey with patience and kindness. You do not need to beat yourself up! Celebrating small victories and progress helps maintain a sustainable and positive outlook, reducing the chances of long-term failure. Self-compassion plays a vital role in addressing the emotional aspects of pelvic floor issues. Shame and embarrassment are common emotions, but acknowledging and accepting these feelings are essential steps toward healing.

Seeking support from healthcare professionals and pelvic floor specialists or joining support groups such as the Pelvic Power Movement Community, provides a safe space to share experiences and receive encouragement. Understanding that others are on a similar journey  can help to alleviate feelings of isolation. You are not alone; I promise.

 Join us over at the pelvic power movement community 



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