Tis the season to be jolly, farlahlahlahlah, lah, lah, lah, laaaaahhhhh. But, not if you're peeing your pants.....

The festive season is a celebratory time for most of us. But along with all the fun and excitement that Christmas brings, it can also bring an increase in pelvic health symptoms…

Why? Simply because we are less active, and we are also consuming unhealthy and large diets which our bodies aren’t use to. There is no denying it seems fun at the time, but for many of us we end up paying...

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A Complex Connection: Our Negative Thoughts and Pelvic Floor Recovery

Embarking on the path to pelvic floor recovery can be a bumpy journey at first. What many fail to understand, is that pelvic floor recovery is a delicate journey that intricately weaves together elements of physical exercise, mindset, and external influences. While the focus is often on the physical aspects, the profound impact of our thoughts and mindset on our pelvic health is frequently...

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Is a Stiff Pelvic Floor Even a Thing? It Certainly Is!

Today, I am delving into a topic that may not come up in everyday conversations but is undeniably essential for our well-being: a stiff pelvic floor. It is something many women might feel uncomfortable discussing, but it affects our health in more ways than we realise. So, let's take a moment to dive into the intricacies of this somewhat mysterious topic.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty,...

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Unravelling the Mystery of a Tight Pelvic Floor

Let's delve into a topic that may not be the most comfortable to discuss, but it's crucial nonetheless: a tight pelvic floor. You might think a tight pelvic floor is better than a weak one, but that's a common misconception. It can affect women of all ages, leading to uncomfortable symptoms you might not even realize are connected to this issue. So, let's take a closer look and better...

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Why Sitting Is Your #1 Enemy!

You might be surprised to know that it is often our daily habits and practices that impact our pelvic floor the most. 


Lets look at some super simple quick fix approaches to help you see the fastest results. 


So…. Why is sitting so bad you might ask? 


Well...... now you've really got me up on my soap box. 


Sitting slumped on the sofa is...

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Taking Charge of Prolapse Anxiety: Embracing Life with Confidence

I want to discuss a topic that isn't always discussed outside of my community but affects many of us: pelvic organ prolapse. If you're a woman in your 20s and beyond, chances are you've heard about it or even experienced it firsthand. The mere mention of prolapse can send shivers down your spine, conjuring up fears about exercise, sex, having more children, and the need for surgery. But fear...

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Want to Know the Secret to a Functioning Pelvic Floor?

Want to Know the Secret to a Functioning Pelvic Floor?

Ladies, we need to talk about a part of our body that often gets overlooked but is crucial for maintaining our overall health and well-being: our pelvic floor. And, more specifically, the connection between our pelvic floor and diaphragm. You might be wondering, what is the diaphragm, and how does it relate to my pelvic floor? Well,...

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DRY JANUARY- We all deserve to be dry.

Let’s All Have a Dry January!

Leakage is something that we rarely talk about, and why? Because it is only considered unacceptable in society if the person doing it is under seven or over 70. Anyone in between must keep quiet because it is disgusting and abnormal. No, no, no, it’s all wrong! And this opinion makes me cross. I also find it so hard to stomach that this attitude is...

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HRT, now available over the counter

Times Are Changing…Finally!

September is here, and thanks to some amazing women; significant changes have come into place improving the lives of thousands of women currently suffering with menopause symptoms. If you don’t know what these changes are, then keep reading… you could be one of these lucky women to benefit!

From September, women in the UK (over 50 and who have...

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No time for your pelvic floor now? No pelvic floor for your time later.......

Time Management…those two dreaded words.

When I speak to anyone about their pelvic health, the first thing I talk about is commitment. If we don’t commit to making changes and seeing improvement, we won’t move forward. Unfortunately, just sitting on our bums is not going to create results. It’s tough. It’s so tough, and I know this because I have been there too. I...

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