Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby…

Life is full of boring, mundane tasks. That’s a fact, and it’s unavoidable. There is always washing and cooking, homework and ironing…the list goes on. These chores don’t necessarily make us unhappy, but most of us don’t reveal in the excitement of it. We accept them, do them, and go about our day. But what makes life fun is the balance of these mundane tasks with...

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DRY JANUARY- We all deserve to be dry.

Let’s All Have a Dry January!

Leakage is something that we rarely talk about, and why? Because it is only considered unacceptable in society if the person doing it is under seven or over 70. Anyone in between must keep quiet because it is disgusting and abnormal. No, no, no, it’s all wrong! And this opinion makes me cross. I also find it so hard to stomach that this attitude is...

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BURNOUT! Why Is Life So Overwhelming?

We discuss many taboos in our community, most of which revolve around our genitalia. But not all. Another taboo topic that we discuss a lot is mental health.

Times are changing, and the taboo is decreasing, but it is still very hush-hush. There is no denying that. Many of our community members are struggling because two of the biggest concerns in their life – pelvic health and mental...

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HRT, now available over the counter

Times Are Changing…Finally!

September is here, and thanks to some amazing women; significant changes have come into place improving the lives of thousands of women currently suffering with menopause symptoms. If you don’t know what these changes are, then keep reading… you could be one of these lucky women to benefit!

From September, women in the UK (over 50 and who have...

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No time for your pelvic floor now? No pelvic floor for your time later.......

Time Management…those two dreaded words.

When I speak to anyone about their pelvic health, the first thing I talk about is commitment. If we don’t commit to making changes and seeing improvement, we won’t move forward. Unfortunately, just sitting on our bums is not going to create results. It’s tough. It’s so tough, and I know this because I have been there too. I...

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Let’s Just (Meno)Pause for a Minute

Times are changing. So many taboo topics are discussed more nowadays, and that’s great. But are times changing quick enough? Are menopausal women getting the help and support that they need and deserve? That question is debatable. Most women know what menopause is and around what stage in their life it will occur. But most do not know what to expect regarding the physical and mental...

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