Letā€™s Talk About Sex, Babyā€¦

Life is full of boring, mundane tasks. That’s a fact, and it’s unavoidable. There is always washing and cooking, homework and ironing…the list goes on. These chores don’t necessarily make us unhappy, but most of us don’t reveal in the excitement of it. We accept them, do them, and go about our day. But what makes life fun is the balance of these mundane tasks with...

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Is a Stiff Pelvic Floor Even a Thing? It Certainly Is!

Today, I am delving into a topic that may not come up in everyday conversations but is undeniably essential for our well-being: a stiff pelvic floor. It is something many women might feel uncomfortable discussing, but it affects our health in more ways than we realise. So, let's take a moment to dive into the intricacies of this somewhat mysterious topic.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty,...

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Unravelling the Mystery of a Tight Pelvic Floor

Let's delve into a topic that may not be the most comfortable to discuss, but it's crucial nonetheless: a tight pelvic floor. You might think a tight pelvic floor is better than a weak one, but that's a common misconception. It can affect women of all ages, leading to uncomfortable symptoms you might not even realize are connected to this issue. So, let's take a closer look and better...

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